Odyssey House

Dear Andy

As Chief Operating Officer of Odyssey House, I am happy to provide the following information that may assist your upcoming STEP FORWARD PROGRAM.

1. Over the twelve month period we anticipate that between 80 to 100 residents will participate in the program. We are actually making this program compulsory for all our Level Four (highest level) residents.

2. The two most important factors/concerns for our senior residents nearing Graduation are employment and housing. We value the residents either finding employment or enrolling in education, as CRITICAL to their on-going recovery.

3. Odyssey House is accredited by ACHS (The Australia Council of Health Care Standards) and we have 275 Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) that we need to report on monthly. Those KPI’s include evaluations of every group/session we conduct. Last year, your pilot STEP FORWARD PROGRAM was our highest ranked group for the whole of 2011. Great result!

Hoping that this information is helpful to you.

Brendan Flynn
Chief Operating Officer
Odyssey House McGrath Foundation